12.99 mt
Barche a Vela
8 Posti letto
3 Cabine
2 WC
Bowthruster, Bimini top, Electric anchor, Furling genoa, Inflatable dinghy with pump, Steering wheel, Battery charger and 220V shore supply, Bucket, Cockpit shower, Deck brush, Galley equipment, Gangway, Gas bottles, Swimming ladder, Water hose, Anchor ball and cone, Anchors with chain and rope, Anemometer, Barometer - clock, Bilge pump, Binocular, Blunkets, Boat hook, Boats papers, Bosuns chair, Distress rockets, Divider, Diving mask, Emergency rudder, Engine spare parts, Fenders, Fire extinguishers, First aid kit, Flashlight, Fog horn, GPS, Hand compass, Horseshoe buoy with line and light, Italian flag, Life jackets for all guests on board, Life raft, Log, Mooring lines, Navigation ruler, Radar reflector, Safety belts, Sea charts and cruising guides, Tool box, Ture holes, VHF, Water pilot, Winch handles
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