9.68 mt
Barche a Vela
6 Posti letto
2 Cabine
1 WC
2 funnels, 2 gas bottles, 2 navigational signal, 2 paddles, pump, access., 6 mooring ropes, 8 fenders, Big fuel tank (boat), Boat hook, Bucket & brush, Cockpit shower, Cockpit table, Footbridge, Hand bilge pump, Italian flag, Life buoy, Liferaft, Life ring, Light buoy, Outboard engine, Radar reflector, Reserve anchor + 60m chain, Reserve rudder, Shore power connection, Smal fuel tank (dinghy), Toolset, Water hose, 2 Service batteries, Autopilot, Battery charger, Binoculars, Blankets (1 per cabin), CD radio, Clock, barometer, Compass, Cooking pots, frying pans, Cups, glasses, cutlery, Distress light kit, Electric bilge pump, Electric fridge, Engine battery, Fire extinguisher, First aid kit, Fog horn, French and Corsican flags, GPS plotter, Hot water, Insurance R/C + kasko full risk, Life jackets, Nautical charts, Nautical tools (divider, chart ruler), Other cooking tools, Pillows (for all), Pilot books, Plates (big, small, soup), Portable lamp + extra batteries, Safety belts, Safety equipment, Standard 12/220V system, VHF, Yacht documents, Yacht keys, Bimini top, Delta anchor + 60m chain, Dinghy, Electric anchor windlass, Main compass, Main sail with Lazy Jack, Roller Genoa, Single steering wheel, Wind station, log, eco
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